
New Year at theLivery

          Having welcomed in 2025, we are delighted that we've had a fairly dry spell of weather of late. It's never an easy time to run a livery during darker days and colder wintery weather. But, having a relatively dry spell over the last...

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Summers On

Seeing the sun shine and the blue skies is very welcome for us all. It allows us to crack on with the annual tasks such as topping the fields to ensure our grass stays in top notch condition. We have already been out on our ragwort sweep to ensure the noxious weed is...

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Galloping along through January

   Seeing the sunshine in January certainly keeps us all in good spirits in the horsey world. I took this picture of our live out horses this week. I was struck by how contented they all were, as they basked in the winter sun. The fields have stayed remarkably green...

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Get in touch

If you'd like to find out more about keeping your horse at Blackfaulds Farm Livery, call us on 07818 030652 or fill out the form below