
Summer Days

   What a busy summer it has been here at Blackfaulds Farm Livery. As restrictions have eased our clients have been chalking up a wide ranging list of activities to develop their horses skill levels. We had a games day challenge at the start of summer with sun fun...

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Fields are for Fun

I think we can all agree that seeing the blue skies and sun shine does wonders for our well being. Well, we have all been making the most of this wonderful spell of fab weather. Conditions have been perfect for setting out  our full set of working hunter jumps in the...

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Galloping into Spring!

As we tough out the harsh winter weather, we will always have some lovely horsey things to look forward to. Even when we cant get out and about like the way we are used to, we can still come up and spend quality time with our horses and ponies and enjoy the fabulous...

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Jan 2021

This image was taken recently when we went out for a hack around the dam. It was eerily quiet. We can ride from the livery and be there in twenty minutes and have a fantastic network of paths to enjoy. As we have slipped quietly into 2021 and left behind 2020 - lets...

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Team Blackfaulds

Who knew we would be going through a pandemic which has impacted in all of us in so many ways? Even the horses have been affected as the advice from the beginning of lockdown was to err on the side of caution if deciding to ride. The debates on whether to ride on...

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March-ing Upwards and Onwards

Having endured one of the wettest Februarys in years our paddock preservation attempts have been tested to the limit and thanks must go to our customers who have been pretty sensible with their daily turnout. We offer all year turn out at our livery and can only hope...

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January 2020

  This pic was taken last summer when one of our liveries was investing a tonne of work into schooling her pony. She went on to have a very successful show season.  it is a lovely image of things to look forward to, as we are currently looking at the snow ...

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Get in touch

If you'd like to find out more about keeping your horse at Blackfaulds Farm Livery, call us on 07818 030652 or fill out the form below